#SheLooksLikeMe: Ashley Knudsen - Quench Restaurant


What does your job entail?

I am a chef at Quench Restaurant in Blenheim. I was also a finalist in the Beef + Lamb Young Chef Competition held in 2021.

What attracted you to this industry?

I have been part of the meat industry from a young age being a farmer’s daughter, so it was quite a natural progression and my grandad was a home butcher… and I love to hunt with Adam my partner.

What have been some of the challenges you’ve faced and overcome in your career?

It can be quite a challenge if you are the only female in a restaurant kitchen but my biggest advice is don’t take any shit, have a laugh and don’t be too serious.

Why are women in the meat sector so important?

Because cheffing is such a male-dominated industry, customers are quite surprised when they realise they have eaten a dish cooked by a female chef. I get a lot of praise and recognition for this which is a great confidence boost. It’s quite unique to have female chefs, but we have a lot to contribute to the industry.

What is your advice to the industry to encourage more women?

It’s important to have someone to guide you through this career path and important to have other female role models.

What is your advice to any young women considering a similar career?

Give it a go and take everything on the chin. Learn as much as you can and enjoy it!


#SheLooksLikeMe is a campaign that challenges the perceptions of careers in the meat industry. Its purpose is to highlight female role models and encourage more people to join the sector. For more information about Aotearoa New Zealand’s meat industry and the varied roles within, visit www.meatyourcareer.co.nz